Gosh! It has been way too long since I last posted something. Life seems to be getting in the way! We are back from a very long trip to visit family and friends and slowly getting back into our routine.
I've been working on this particular project for a while and finally finished them today! For those who don't know me, I love to refinish furniture! I guess that's the Norwegian in me! Our kitchen table and chairs have been used for close to 10 years! My hubby bought the set from Ikea on our 2nd date! For a cheapy set, it has really has served us well over the years. Recently, though, one of the chairs broke and I couldn't fix it. Bummer. :( So what is a girl to do! I decided to start looking for chairs to refinish. I didn't want anything new. I figured a garage sale or a thrift store might do the job. I looked here and there and didn't come up with anything. Then a friend called to say she knew of somebody getting rid of some chairs and they are exactly what I was describing to her (Thanks Mary!). Best part.........they were free! So here is the before picture:

So off I go:

It took me longer to finish than I anticipated just because I could only work on them at nap time or weekends when the hubby could keep an eye on the little one. Slowly they were transformed and revitalized into this:

Here is a close up of the "Shabby Chicing" that was done to each chair:

I'm really happy about how they turned out! Next I'll be looking for a table to refinish to go with these chairs!
They look incredible!!!!! I didn't notice them last time I was over???? You were holding out on me! LOL.