Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Let the Flip Flop!

Yes it is the middle of February. I know this. BUT....when you get hit with a few days in the 70's, you WILL get hit with spring fever! I did! We were able to put shorts on and play outside! I got to wear flip flops! Small confession.....I'm a flip flop whore!!! I have pairs of them in the double digits! SSSSSHHHHHH!

Of course it snowed today but that didn't stop me! I spruced up a pair of flip flops I bought at the end of last season. They are ready for the next warm day we have!

My toes are not ready to be photographed yet but these are comfy to wear! There will be more of these in my future! (Much to my hubby's dismay) :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Patchwork Bag

Yes, I'm a kid at heart. Yes, I like to play video games. Yes, I'm 35 and own a DSi. :) I love playing the puzzle games! I decided it was time to make a bag to store it in (the bag whore strikes again!).

Side Note---For those of you who don't know me, I'm a bag whore! Love them! Have way too many and keep making more!

So, back to the current bag. :)
This was a good stash buster project. I dipped into my basket of small snippets of fabric to get this done. Totally random sewing. I made the squares as big as I wanted to cut the pattern pieces out. Found a zipper in my stash and used some ribbon for the handles.

Here's a look inside:

One side of the bag holds the DSi

The other side holds my games. :)

This is actually helping me keep it from my 2 year old. She does things on my DSi that I didn't know was possible! Ha!